The Where Am ‘I’ Right Now?
‘Body Fitness’ Training Program
A 6 week specialised program to help you to get into better shape
‘Body Fitness’ Training Program
A 6 week specialised program to help you to get into better shape

The 16 kilos of body fat loss I achieved over a 4 month period is represented by the 16 cartons of Almond milk that my Super-Coach presented to me - along with my Gold Achievement Medal - in a special ceremony ...
With this extra body fat now gone, I can walk, run, swim, and exercise with so much less strain and effort. It is quite amazing how I now feel. There is no way that I will allow myself to put any of that body fat back onto my body - this new look and new feel is here to stay! That journey started in October/November 2018. Now, in 2024, I am a fit, lean 74 - 76 kilos and spending my time continuing to build my 'six-pack'!
With some great mind-set work and practical workout tools and exercises, you will get coached, mentored and guided to go from where your are Right Now with your body shape and image and fitness levels to a much better, more confident and healthier place. You will get to learn about and implement a very special nutrition, food and drink intake, do special exercises and tasks and learn how to maintain your new look and life choices.
With this extra body fat now gone, I can walk, run, swim, and exercise with so much less strain and effort. It is quite amazing how I now feel. There is no way that I will allow myself to put any of that body fat back onto my body - this new look and new feel is here to stay! That journey started in October/November 2018. Now, in 2024, I am a fit, lean 74 - 76 kilos and spending my time continuing to build my 'six-pack'!
With some great mind-set work and practical workout tools and exercises, you will get coached, mentored and guided to go from where your are Right Now with your body shape and image and fitness levels to a much better, more confident and healthier place. You will get to learn about and implement a very special nutrition, food and drink intake, do special exercises and tasks and learn how to maintain your new look and life choices.
My full Body fitness story:
I was feeling quite fit, as I was eating well (good organic vegetarian food 90% of the time) with lots of daily walks and 5 x 15 minute workouts in the gym, however, I really felt that I wanted to take it to another level, so I called a good friend of mine, who has a great body, a good understanding of nutrition, gym work and body fitness, and asked him to work with me.
So, weighing in at 88 kilograms, I (Adrian) did a similar program to the one I am offering you (I had my own secret super-coach!). In November 2018, I initially lost 6.5 kilograms of body fat in 21 days (the first part of the program) and another 3.5 kilograms in the next 7 days to get me down to 76.5 kilograms.
And then I set another target and reduced another 4 kilograms of body fat - which I reached. After reaching that goal I then focused on building up my body muscle with the aim of putting on about 4 kilograms of muscle so my eventual weight would be about 76 kilograms.
This is much more than just a weight loss program - this is about helping you to get into a state of holistic health.
I look at nutrition, diet, exercise, mind-set, psychology, habits, and addictions - or whatever else is required.
We begin with an initial 30 minute consultation session to work out what your WISH is.
Once we have done that we start - Then, over the next 6 weeks, you receive 12 x one on one coaching sessions. Each session is approximately 30 minutes. We will have two sessions per week, and complete with a final session at the end of the 6 weeks.
I will also be available during the 6 weeks for any brief phone calls to support you. And you can txt in with your daily results for the accountability aspects of what you are doing.
You will also receive several pdf's to support you on this journey.
Go to the Shop to pay directly. The cost is $997
If you need to speak with me about any other payment options, please contact me.
There is then the choice to continue working with me and we can work out what that looks like once the initial 6 weeks is complete. For me it was a 4 month process to loose the 16 k's - with those first 6 weeks being the foundation for this. ...
How I am Right Now
So, Right Now, I am living in the UK for a while - with between times on the Gold Coast, (where I love swimming and body-surfing each day in the ocean), eating great clean organic food (I have chosen a plant-based diet), meditating daily and doing quite a lot of walking, jogging and running ...
I run 10-12 k's every Monday morning, and also do a 5 k Park Run each Saturday morning.
The secret is to keep the focus, discipline and fun in all that I do ...
I run 10-12 k's every Monday morning, and also do a 5 k Park Run each Saturday morning.
The secret is to keep the focus, discipline and fun in all that I do ...