Another day - Another Blog post.
My thoughts today are on the new and very exciting project that I am working on. I'm in the process of creating a new on-line program. The challenges with this are starting to arise. Mostly they are in my mind. They are the challenges that often meet us when we step outside any comfort zone - whether small or big.
The doubts and fears and old sabotage patterns seem to arrive from nowhere - they arrive in a Nano-Second and often when I would not expect them to be there. Whilst typing away at the content material, creating the videos or working on the Launch Strategies, up they come!
The really good news is - I HAVE SOME TOOLS to support me when I experience these old fears or doubts. I have collected and created some really good tools to lessen and even stop the mind-games that go on in my mind and the less useful emotions that rise in my soul.
I have a few key things that I do to support myself in these situations and I am so pleased that I have them and more pleased that I actually put them to use. I often say to my students and clients: 'It is pointless having the tools and letting them go rusty in the tool bag - keep them well oiled and use them as much as you can'.
These useful tools were required again this morning as I started to work on my new project. After about 10 minutes of re-aligning myself into the Creative, Focused and Energetic man that I know I am, things got moving again. The alternative was to abandon the work I had set myself and go and find something else to do. So currently, in this moment, another video that I managed to do this morning, is being uploaded - it take a bit of time - and I am all set up to do the next one after a short lunch break.
Every morning I set myself a percentage of how I want to live my day and then, in the evening, I evaluate how I went. I use my newly created 100 Day Where Am 'I' Right Now? Journal for this and find that it is another great tool to work with.
If you would like a FREE download of the 100 Day Where Am 'I' Right Now? Journal - just click this link.
So, I am now all set to get active with my project again. I just wanted to share with this with you to Inspire you to stay focused and on track with anything that you are working with, or on, Right Now.
All the very best to you.
My thoughts today are on the new and very exciting project that I am working on. I'm in the process of creating a new on-line program. The challenges with this are starting to arise. Mostly they are in my mind. They are the challenges that often meet us when we step outside any comfort zone - whether small or big.
The doubts and fears and old sabotage patterns seem to arrive from nowhere - they arrive in a Nano-Second and often when I would not expect them to be there. Whilst typing away at the content material, creating the videos or working on the Launch Strategies, up they come!
The really good news is - I HAVE SOME TOOLS to support me when I experience these old fears or doubts. I have collected and created some really good tools to lessen and even stop the mind-games that go on in my mind and the less useful emotions that rise in my soul.
I have a few key things that I do to support myself in these situations and I am so pleased that I have them and more pleased that I actually put them to use. I often say to my students and clients: 'It is pointless having the tools and letting them go rusty in the tool bag - keep them well oiled and use them as much as you can'.
These useful tools were required again this morning as I started to work on my new project. After about 10 minutes of re-aligning myself into the Creative, Focused and Energetic man that I know I am, things got moving again. The alternative was to abandon the work I had set myself and go and find something else to do. So currently, in this moment, another video that I managed to do this morning, is being uploaded - it take a bit of time - and I am all set up to do the next one after a short lunch break.
Every morning I set myself a percentage of how I want to live my day and then, in the evening, I evaluate how I went. I use my newly created 100 Day Where Am 'I' Right Now? Journal for this and find that it is another great tool to work with.
If you would like a FREE download of the 100 Day Where Am 'I' Right Now? Journal - just click this link.
So, I am now all set to get active with my project again. I just wanted to share with this with you to Inspire you to stay focused and on track with anything that you are working with, or on, Right Now.
All the very best to you.